Single Engine Analog Panel

ST530 Cockpit
- Choice of either Garmin GNS430, GNS530, GTN650 or GTN750
- Powder-coated aluminium instrument panel and construction
- Genuine aircraft throttle, prop and mixture controls
- Military grade and aircraft OEM components providing for long life cycle and reliable operation
- Commercial grade rudder pedals
- Aluminium control wheel with military grade electric trim switch
- High specification computers with powerful graphic cards
- 49 inch curved monitor for outside visuals. Upgrade available to 180 degree wrap around visuals
- Runs off normal power outlets
Instructor Station
- Easy aircraft positioning to any airport in the world, on an approach, at a way-point or at a custom location
- Real time moving map with detailed overlays of airways, ILS feathers, airspace, way-points, Nav Aids and much more
- Full control of weather including visibility, cloud types and layers, wind speed and direction, preset ILS category themes. preset weather themes.
- Fuel and loading manager
- In-depth failure system for generating both random and pre-defined failures of aircraft systems
- Extensive overview of aircraft with PFD on instructor station and ability to operate auto-pilot and aircraft systems such as throttle, mixture, pitch, flaps, landing gear, radio tuning etc.
- Aircraft and approach statistics and graphs showing speed, altitude and position relative to required track and glide-path
- Abilty to operate the instructor station from an iPad or Android device via Wi-Fi
- 180 degree wrap around visuals. Ideal for practicing those circling approaches or conducting VFR flights
- Dual Controls. We can fit dual connected control wheels and rudder pedals for those additional training scenarios
- Aircraft Intercom. We can install aviation intercoms into your panel to allow students and instructors to communicate via their aviation headsets.
- Full Simulator Enclosure. For those environments where it is advantageous to train in the comfort of a cabin